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Check Rearrange Palindrome

 * What is a palindrome?
 * Receives a string and returns whether it can be rearranged to become a palindrome or not
 * The string can only be a palindrome if the count of ALL characters is even or if the ONLY ONE character count is odd
 * Input is a string

export const palindromeRearranging = (str) => {
  // check that input is a string
  if (typeof str !== 'string') {
    return 'Not a string'
  // Check if is a empty string
  if (!str) {
    return 'Empty string'

  // First obtain the character count for each character in the string and store it in an object.
  // Filter the object's values to only the odd character counts.
  const charCounts = [...str].reduce((counts, char) => {
    counts[char] = counts[char] ? counts[char] + 1 : 1
    return counts
  }, {})
  // If the length of the resulting array is 0 or 1, the string can be a palindrome.
  return (
    Object.values(charCounts).filter((count) => count % 2 !== 0).length <= 1

// testing

// > palindromeRearranging('aaeccrr')
// true

// > palindromeRearranging('leve')
// false